TALENT: Gets you in the door but doesn’t keep you there. Mental or physical strengths that can be useful in any pursuit, art, or profession.
DISCIPLINE: Takes talent and refines it. Allows talent to grow. What is needed to dig a little bit deeper, fight a little bit harder, focus a little bit longer, and listen a little bit more intentionally? Allows you to become elite in areas. Can been seen as your ability to pay attention to feedback and apply…internal feedback or external.
WORK ETHIC: Connected to discipline. Your ability to find love/connection with the process. Doesn’t matter the outcome on a specific day…you keep pushing. It is what YOU are. Work ethic can be influenced by intrinsic and extrinsic variables.
LEADERSHIP: Ability to connect with people. Your ability to coach, mentor, develop yourself, but also others. Check out Me VS. We machines…
CHARACTER: Who are you in the dark, when it gets hard, when it’s easy…who are you past your title and affiliation with your current company? How do we treat people?
RESILIENCE: Your ability to handle hard well. Your ability to smile in the face of adversity. What and how do you respond to failure or things not going your way?
CONFIDENCE: I’m who I’m…love me, like me, hate me. This is me. Ability to understand oneself well. Your ability to be connected to your self awareness and self-management.
TOUGHNESS: Physical and emotional toughness are closely aligned with resilience. You can be one without the other but combined give you great toughness.
Have you ever thought about building awareness around these for not only yourself but for those you are charged with leading? Starting with awareness…how would you do that? Good news here you can create habits around each one to increase it, but the first step is to assess yourself and clear any/all blind spots.
1. Start with using a likert scale 1-5 or 1-10 and quantifying where you sit in each of these, and why.
a. Rate yourself on likert scale (5) or (10) is the highest rank
b. Then define in YOUR own words (not google)…create your definition of what this attribute means to you.
c. Then under each one create “action” steps i.e., A1, A2, A3….to identify habits, skills you will do to get better in areas you score low.
d. Hold yourself accountable.
